BLESS THE SEA – Women’s surf suits, comfortable and sustainable

Within the Cabreiroá Eco-logic of the ABANCA Galicia Classic Surf Pro, different ‘stands’ have been installed, among them, the one of the ‘Bless The Sea’, a brand that is born motivated by the desire to find in the current market women’s  comfortable surf suits, that do not give up fashion trends and be sustainable. 

The entire creation is loca, designed, woven and made in Barcelona creating a new laminated and thermofixed fabric with neoprene effect. 

Its values are based on sustainable environmental development but above all social. Social sustainability is something that many brands are forgetting manufacturing in the distance and abusing the global globalization in which today’s society is involved.

‘Bless The Sea’ seeks the cohesion of the population and its stability and has created a collection of surfing swimsuits unique in the market, designed with the idea of combining functionality, comfort and fashion in one piece. 

Bless the sea - Ecologic @ClassicSurfPro
Bless the sea – Ecologic @ClassicSurfPro

ABANCA Galicia Classic Surf Pro counts with the support of Xunta de Galicia (Turismo de Galicia, Xacobeo 2021, Deporte Galego, Galicia Calidade, Secretaria Xeral de Igualdade, Conselleria de Medioambiente), Diputacion de A Coruña, Ayuntamiento de Ferrol, Ayuntamiento de Valdoviño, Sociedad Mixta de Turismo de Ferrol, Costa das Ondas y Federación Galega de Surf; así como las firmas ABANCA, ESTRELLA GALICIA, CABREIROA, HOSPITAL QUIRON, INTERMAX, VOLKSWAGEN YAÑEZ, TAGHEUER, JOYERIA JAEL, SIROKO, GADIS, GAM, ITG Y VAZVA.

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